
Nihao, Everyone

Hi, everyone

This is a starting of my blog. The blog is set for ACT (Advanced Technical Communications) course. I am supposed to write something in this blog earlier, but it's hard to decide what do I need to write, also because of the problem of language. I have sawn quite a lot of blog before, this is the first time to write someting by myself. All things are difficult before they are easy, that 's my feeling at the moment. But any way, i'm trying to do it better.

I'd like to do a introduction of this course here. In this course we are learning skills of communicating technical information in a wide variety of media and to diverse audiences. We learned how to creat posters, give oral presentations, write effective titles and abstracts for an academic audience, write for a non-academic audience, and peer reviewing. All these things are not as easy as I thought. We need to pay attention to all the details. And let all your audiences, both in your research area or not, understand what you want to tell them. That is a nice course, ake a cup of tea, have some biscuits, and sit around talk with each other. That's more like friends sit together, we feel relax to talk with others, and some ideas come out easily.

My topic for this course is neural network in speech recognition. That's not my research, but I find it is interesting. I used some speech recognition tools in Word 2003, I wander how a computer understand your speech, and follow the order (like open some files etc). That's the reason I decide this topic, and try to find out the reason and do some explanation for you.

